A review by rebicon
A Golden Fury by Samantha Cohoe


I won a copy through a giveaway.

Overall, I liked the book but the beginning was very slow. The latter half of the book did seem to pick up but not a ton. I was initially drawn in by the cover, because it’s beautiful, and the beginning of the story did seem to have a strong setup. I felt as though some elements to the story seemed forced because things felt rushed towards the end of the book.

I think I would have liked more information about the characters to create more of an emotional connection and to explain some of their actions. I think more information about the characters could have also opened up more about the world and the story itself.

I did enjoy the dynamic between Thea and Dominic, especially because Dominic seemed to be the voice if reason most of the time. I also enjoyed the setting description, the history, and all of the information about alchemy.