A review by amybraunauthor
In Pursuit of Dragons by Anne Renwick


A short, sexy, fun book filled with adventure, science, dragons, and a steamy romance.

The characters have great chemistry and balance each other so well. Natalia is strong and smart, the exact kind of hero I look for in a book. Luke matches her with his loyalty and passion. When they put their heads together, they discover more about the dragons they so passionately care for. And when they put other things together... well, let's just say it's equally as fun! The story is pretty quick so there isn't a whole lot of time for the villains to shine. That said, Renwick did a great job adding in as many twists and revelations as she could.

Short as this story was, I did find that it had some great moments and two characters who you couldn't help but root for. They faced all kinds of challenges and their combined intelligence and passion drove the story. Great for anyone who loves short reads, romances, a hint of fantasy, and dragon-filled adventures.