A review by raven168
The Alien Assassin's Stolen Bride by Michele Mills


I really hope I got this one for free. It's been in my to read pile for a while now so I have no idea. I just don't want to have actually paid for it. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. Some things were too repetitive and, not all that far in, I found myself getting bored with the story. I don't think the over done world building helped in that regard. I do like the idea behind this though. An alien assassin coming to Earth chasing his mark and finding his mate in an Earth woman is totally my thing. Even the whole thing with what Heriot goes thru was new for me. But...I don't know...nothing really ever clicked with me and had me truly interested.

Hannah recently started a new job and is looking forward to a company trip of sorts so she can get to know her coworkers better. Too bad they all drop out one by one until she's the only one left. Well, her and a stranger who claims to be friends with a couple coworkers she has already befriended. She's uncomfortable around him but agrees to go on the tour together anyway.

Heriot is an assassin and it happens that that stranger is his target. It's taken a while to track him down but he will not fail to kill him and destroy the crystal he is after. What Heriot never expected was to find his lifemate on this primitive planet. A huge complication, but not big enough to throw him off.

Hannah doesn't understand her responses to Heriot at all, but he makes her feel safe and want to do things she never has before. Naughty, dirty, fun things. And before she knows it, she's helping track down his target and trying to help save her planet. In the end, she takes a literal leap of faith with him and is off to start her new life.

There were a few things that bugged me with Hannah. It was annoying how many times Heriot had to repeat things to her. I get it, she didn't want to believe him. But it was still really annoying. Then there was the fact that she balked at him killing people for money, but at the end she is super excited to become his partner in the assassination business. It didn't really make sense.