A review by whatsmacksaid
Uninvited: Etudes in C#, No. 3 by Jamie Wyman


I liked it, with a few exceptions. There are too many instances where the main character turns into an utter doormat with the men in her life. She teases someone and it hurts these big, buff guys' feelings and she's instantly contrite and feels horrible. She needs to stop apologizing for her barbs and they need to grow a thicker skin. That, specifically, happens almost half a dozen times in the first half of Uninvited; I remember it really bothered me in the previous books as well. She's painted as such a badass, but lets the men in her life emotionally manipulate her in very small, painful ways. (It bothers me so much because I'm concerned the author isn't even aware it's happening.)

That said, I liked the story enough that I stayed up reading under the covers until almost 2am last night (during nanowrimo, when I'm 7k words behind, when I have to be up at 6am, etc.), so make of my complaints what you will. The book isn't perfect, but whatever. It was an enjoyable romp--probably the best Cat Sharp book yet--and I will definitely be backing whatever needs backing to get the fourth book published.