A review by the_bee_writes
The Fat Years by Chan Koonchung


Old Chen one of the main characters in the story is meeting some old friends one by one. He is happy with the state of China in a fictional 2013 after a world financial crises has left the United States less powerful. Apparently China has reached a "Golden Age of Ascendancy" and everyone is very very happy. Besides a few who are not. Interestingly many of these can remember that that "Age of Ascendancy" did not start exactly when the rest of the world fell apart. There were 28 days in between but no one seems to be able to remember them. Well Old Chen's friends do remember and want to know! So they kidnap a high Chinese official and make him talk but what will they find out?

This story is written from the different viewpoints of the characters and strangely many of them have met before in more or less strange incidences. They are all very interesting characters and you certainly learn a lot about China. But the story drags a bit on until they get to kidnap that official. The reality of that story often does not feel so fictional and I have actually started wondering if there is more truth to it than it wants to reveal. There must be a reason why it is banned in China! Well the best is to read the book and have a look for yourself!