A review by horrorhussy
Armada by Ernest Cline


“The apple had fallen right next to the crazy tree.”

Ernest Cline, is quickly becoming one of my all time favorite authors. Ready Player One is easily one of my favorite books, Cline speaks to my nerdy soul.

I game quite a bit, it gives me the same escapism and satisfaction that reading does, so when I was given Armada to review, I was super excited to see the blurb

Zack’s a Gamer, and his skills—as well as those of millions of gamers across the world—are going to be needed to save the earth from what’s about to befall it.

The general idea here is that, all this time, all those gaming hours, we have all put in, are not a waste, they were training hours, hours preparing ourselves to protect the world!

I don’t know a gamer who wouldn’t want this to be true, who doesn’t dream about being apart of the games, having the skills, saving the day.

Cline has tapped into that day dream, made it real, funny, suspenseful, lovable and blew my mind once again!

Its hard to talk about the book with out giving anything away or ruining the magic, but its safe to say, if you game, if you day dream of adventures and saving the world, then this book is for you

Release your inner nerd and rejoice!