A review by reading_bunny
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


this book was an amazing read. it had been on my recommended and TBR for ages and it was worth the read.
the characters are very realistic in a sense and they fit into their environment very well, there was a clear audience stand-in character either which is always a really good thing and their dialogue was very on point for their age range, with a good balance of comedic one liners, with and serious conversation, its always nice to see teenager/young adults written like actual teens rather than children.

the heist itself is really engaging and well thought out, even the back up plans were believable enough for m not to question it and the whole narrative was super engaging and i could easily wrap myself up in this world of theirs.

the story is very much worth the hype in my opinion and i will recommend it to others for a long while