A review by schomj
Demon Moon by Meljean Brook


Interesting, intelligent characters; even when they did stupid things, it made sense. Complex world building -- less overwhelming than in Demon Angel, but covers enough that I think newcomers to the series would be able to start here. The storyline was engaging, although I agree with other reviewers that there were a few too many redundancies and it seemed a bit overly-long (although at nearly 500 pages, I think my attention span would find almost anything overly-long). The romance was hot and angsty, but there was enough humor to balance the angst. Even though you know there's going to be an HEA, the "how" remains a mystery until the last few pages.

I feel like I'm complaining a lot, but I did really enjoy this book. It's moving to my keeper shelf and I'm looking forward to reading the next in the series.