A review by adrianasturalvarez
The Mauritius Command by Patrick O'Brian


Like a favorite show of television, which just keeps getting better season after season, Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin novels are something I look forward to reading every year. Fortunately, there are 20 books in the series, which means I can read and re-read them forever, which I intend to do. That is how great this series is.

The Mauritius Command shifts a little from the first 3 books. This one spends far less time focusing on the love relationships of the two major protagonists and centers on the action of one difficult mission but the difficulty comes, of course, in Aubrey's challenges as a temporary commander of captains with challenging personalities. Much of the book's insight into character is described through Maturin's observations and one of the best aspects of O'Brian's writing is his ability to balance significant insight into a character with suspense and action on a larger (foreign for me) stage.

Oh, and he is FUNNY. I don't know if these novels get enough credit for how hilarious they are. O'Brian has a dry wit and the ability to make observations about little paroxysms of social behavior made ridiculous by wider perspective that are just priceless.

Anyway, an easy 5 stars. I can't wait until the next one and I urge you to start these books if you haven't already.