A review by valbourgoin
Again, Rachel by Marian Keyes


I was so excited to see another Walsh book out by Marian Keyes. She quickly grew as my favourite author 20 years ago when I first stumbled on the hilarious sisters.

In reading “Again, Rachel”, it felt like I was reconnecting with a long lost friend.

Rachel has matured and endured tremendous losses. Her sisters are as entertaining as ever, but you can also tell that everyone has matured also.

The book has a few twists and turns and when we finally get a glimpse of Luke, we know that things are not as they seem.

Reading how Keyes developed the story between Rachel and Luke, introducing us to the heartbreaking story of Yara, I didn’t want to put the book down, because that would mean saying goodbye to characters that I have loved for 20 years. And yet, I wanted to keep reading to see how things would turn out for Rachel.

“Again, Rachel” is now done, I will miss the tremendously well-crafted character that have been in my head for 20+ years, but then again, I know I can revisit them anytime I want to.