A review by sofijica
Endgame by C.J. Daugherty


I don't think i should write this review. If i start ranting about this book i might never stop. Actually, YOLO

This is my second time reading the Night School series. The first time was a couple years ago, when i borrowed all of them from a friend. I really loved it and wanted to go to a boarding school ever since then lol. I called it my "favorite book" for a really long time but slowly started to forget what happened. I remembered it was awesome, i just didn't recall why.
Suddenly, my grandma asks what i want for Christmas. I didn't really have a specific wish at the time, so i said "my own copies of Night School by C.J.Daugherty".
She ended up buying them. I was immensely happy. I started reading it.
irst book down. Amazing. Second book down. I was reminded why this was my favorite book. All my friends who have never heard of the book and don't even read books usually knew everything that happened. Third and fourth book down. I stop. I realize it's ending. The series is almost over. I didn't want it to end. I realized if I pick up the 5th book now, it's gonna take years before I forget it again. I start to drag it out. I even pick up a different book.
But it's still there. "Endgame" on my shelf is staring at me. Screw this, I start reading it.

I remember i was full on for Carter the first time I read the book. I do not know how many times I read page 311 in the first book. As I started rereading it, I thought I should be for Carter. But then I fell in love with Sylvian.
SpoilerI knew what he did. But he changed, didn't he? People change. If they didn't, what would be the point of all this?

spoilers ahead!

Then roof scene. She doesn't say it back. I was in denial. I chose to believe that my memory was fooling me and that she ends up with Sylvian. I wanted to believe that. But deep inside I knew it wasn't true. I even started writing a fanfic with a different ending on Wattpad. My friends even got fed up hearing me talk about this book so much.

I finished this book 13 minutes ago. Wonderful ending. I completely forgot how it ends but I love it. I cried. On page 278 I cried. "Right person wrong time" some would say. I call it "Me completely losing fate in love and I hate everyone." Yeah. I really wanted her to end up with Sylvian. Don't get me wrong, Carter is amazing too. But in my opinion, Sylvian was better.

Overall, I now completely recall why this is my favorite book. It still is. I'm going to read "Number 10" next. Then "Codename Firefly", "Killing November" and also "Hunting November", and there's also a couple more books I've heard are similar to this one. I'm going to read Christi's new book, Alias Emma and also the second part when it comes out this autumn. I'm also currently working on buying all of the books in English. I never want this to end. After I'm done with all these books, I'll re-read them again. Yes I'm crazy.

Anyways, thank you stranger if you've read this far. I'm looking for someone who loves this series as much as I do, who wants to be friends. I've spent the last month trying to convince a bunch of people I know to read it so I can have someone to talk to about it, however unsuccessfully. If you're interested just reply or send me a message, I check this app from time to time.