A review by kaitlynnmakay
Comics Will Break Your Heart by Faith Erin Hicks


I enjoyed this book, but not as much as I had initially wanted to. I am a huge comic nerd and romance junkie, which made me instantly drawn to this book. I may have put too high of expectations on it, but either way, it didn’t completely satisfy the want I had originally wanted.

I think my biggest problem with this book was the 3rd person perspective, but that’s probably just a personal preference. I’ve never been the biggest fan of 3rd person perspective just because it feels less personable to me. Along with that it bothered me whenever the parents of the main characters were referred to by their first names and I’m not exactly sure why.

Other than that it was a very cute and feel good story with good superhero/comic intertwined with it. I just think that this story could have been developed a bit more. A lot of the characters were baseline, there was so much more that could have happened had it been explored further.

Lastly, a main point in the book is Mir wanting to leave her providence and then we never find out if that happens or not. I just feel that was a big part of her character and I wanted to see that fulfilled for her.

All in all, cute and feel good, but could have been developed a bit more.