A review by meezcarrie
A Cowboy of Convenience by Stacy Henrie


What a cute story & such a sweet romance! I’m a sucker for marriage-of-convenience stories – and cowboy stories – so A Cowboy of Convenience was right up my alley!

We first meet West McCall and Vienna Howe in The Rancher’s Temporary Engagement, and their stories – especially Vienna’s captured my attention then even in the smaller secondary roles they played. So I was thrilled to find out that these two are the main characters in A Cowboy of Convenience – a couple of chronological years down the road from when the first story ended.

I love how Vienna has really come into her own and embraced her inner strength even more since we last saw her – and her adorable little daughter Hattie! Oh goodness, she’s a cutie, stealing nearly every scene she’s in. West is the perfect blend of hero and friend – watching out for Vienna and Hattie but also giving Vienna room to save the day on her own a couple of times. As their tender friendship slowly grows into something deeper, be prepared to hold your breath during several almost-kisses and meaningful gazes.

Bottom Line: If you love cowboys, marriages-of-convenience, friends-to-more and adorable little girls, then A Cowboy of Convenience should be a must-read for you! Henrie once again creates a story that is equal parts endearing and swoonworthy – with characters who quickly feel like friends. I’m sad to see this imprint closing, but i hope Henrie will bring us back to Sheridan at some point anyway – at least once more!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower