A review by vanshikajaiin
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi


I LOVED THIS BOOK! If you loved Six Of Crows, there's a high chance you'll like this one, too! The first few chapters were slightly confusing because the setting and the magic system was new to me, but once I understood all that, it was AMAZING! The characters are all SO AWESOMESAUCE. The romance is evident only in the second half, but honestly, the lack of romance did not have a bad impact on the story. It is a multiple perspective book and the difference in narrative voices is done extremely well. Also, WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAY COVER?! SO GORGEOUS. And the DESCRIPTIONS. Gosh, some of them STOLE MY HEART.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and definitely recommend it to everyone. Cannot wait for the sequel!!