A review by novelheartbeat
This Vicious Cure by Emily Suvada



Wow, what a wild ride!! This book was explosive and action packed from start to finish! The second book dragged in the beginning, but this one definitely did NOT have that problem. There was never a dull moment! I have to say, Emily Suvada never disappoints when it comes to dropping bombs. So many surprises!
SpoilerAGNES IS VIPER?! Wtf! I did kinda suspect she was Cat's real mom, but still an awesome twist! And she really IS Jun Bei's sister?! So cool!

"We're both monsters, Jun Bei. That's what they made us into. But that doesn't mean we can't do good in this world."

Jun Bei was ruthless in this book. There were times where I was thinking to myself, Really, Jun Bei? Really?! and there were times where I didn't like her very much. But I also think that she had good intentions even when she did not-so-great things, and did what she felt like she had to. At the core, she was a very interesting person. Her and Cat both! I loved their dynamic together and how Jun Bei protected Cat. She's not the villain I thought she was for sure. I still didn't love Cole like I did in the first book, and I did have a little bit of a disconnect between the characters emotionally. Maybe it's because it's been so long since I read the first two? (Also, I still hate Mato, sorry not sorry.)

I love how this series leans toward being a bit disturbing from time to time! (And gory, yassss.) It also calls into question what we would do to survive, super interesting!

We're more than just our instincts - we're our choices and actions.

I love how things were wrapped up in the end. Overall, this was a fantastic and unique series and I highly recommend it!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.