A review by johnnyb1954
Three Stations by Martin Cruz Smith


I’ve said some books need to be edited cut out excess description and repetition. This book needed editing to be longer. Toward the end it seems like there are hunks left out. Suddenly Renko says he’s investigating a serial killing when that revelation has not really been developed yet. Then he’s at his cabin with a group of people without any discussion about this plan.
The missing baby plot is solved by introducing a group of kids who find the baby then they almost all get killed and coincidentally the baby shows up near where the mother is searching.
The serial killers are conveniently killed in an accident and Renko is given back his job for no apparent reason. His superiors denied there was a serial killing, why does Renko become a hero when these people die in an accident?
The two main plots are sort of tied tied together by a random abandoned trailer. A sub-plot about the travails of oligarchs in Russia is loosely tied into the serial killer plot. It’s all a weird muddle.
And yet it was a page turner - and it was short.
So 3 stars