A review by what_ella_reads
Bath Tangle by Georgette Heyer


A few months ago I read my first Georgette Heyer book, "The Grand Sophy." I absolutely loved it, so I was eager for her other books.
This one sounded amusing, so I decided that this would be my second book by Ms. Heyer.
While I didn't love "Bath Tangle" as much as "The Grand Sophy," I do think it is a good book.

My favorite thing about this book was that there was truly never a dull moment. Characters get into lots of silly scrapes, and antics, especially towards the end of the book.
The author also kept things interesting by making the motives of certain characters unclear. This aspect made me keep second guessing on who was going to end up with who.

I'm starting to think that this is common in Ms. Heyer's books, which I am happy about! The two books I have read by her are both so entertaining and are perfect light reads.I

I also liked how many various characters There are. There are independent and witty characters, gentle and romantic characters, and silly and immature characters. You're bound to find someone you like in the cast of characters! My personal favorite character was Mr. Goring.

There are a couple of things I didn't like about this book which keep me from giving it 5 star. One of my main issues was with the main couple. They have the most extreme love-hate relationship I think I have ever seen in a book. They scream at each other, argue about every little thing (literally) and won't communicate with each other for long periods of time. Now, I enjoy a good love-hate romance as much as the next person, but this one was a little too intense for my tastes. I will say, however, that this did not ruin the story for me.

The other thing I didn't love was all the drama in this. "The Grand Sophy, was very dramatic, but the drama was there to bring humor to the story. The drama in "Bath Tangle," was more like the drama in a soap opera than drama in a comedy, if that makes any sense.

I will continue to give Ms. Heyer's other books a read on the future ☺