A review by markreadsbooks_sg
Two Storm Wood by Philip Gray


I got Two Storm Woods by Philip Gray from NetGalley for a fair and honest review.

Two Storm Woods is set on the battlefields of World War I.

Even though the war is over British troops are still on the bombed-out fields of France, looking for and identifying soldiers by their remains, uniforms and possessions. All this with the help of Chinese workers.
Into to this world comes Amy Vanneck looking for her fiancé who went missing in the last summer of the war. All this with the help of Captain Mackenzie.

This is one of those historical novels that does the job of educating the reader, while supplying a great novel to read.

The reason for this Is that while we all see the war grave cemeteries, Two Storm Woods is based around, how the British Army went about finding the bodies that had been laying were they were some for the four years of the war.
While Philip Gray did not go into graphic into too much graphic detail, the descriptions he used does gives readers a clear understanding on what the bodies look and smell like.

As for the story itself I will not go to much detail, as the mystery of the novel is a large part of the story.

However, the story was as well written as the descriptive writing, with twist and turns throughout the book, as Philip Gray interwove historical information with the mystery element, with a number of twist and turns through the whole length of the novel.
One thing I should mention is that Two Storm Woods, narrative is told through a number of points of view as well as two timelines.
Though there was verry little difficulty telling whose perspective the story was told through or which timeline you were in.

All in all this made Phillp Gray’s Novel Two Storm Woods well worth you reading time.