A review by si0bhan
Lucid Dreaming by Cassandra Page


Lucid Dreaming is one of those books where I wasn’t one hundred percent sure about what rating I was to give it. It’s a three-point-five star read for me, meaning I needed to make the decision of whether I was rounding up or whether I was rounding down. In the end, I opted to round down. Whilst it was an enjoyable read, it wasn’t quite at the point where I was rounding my rating up.

From the moment I read the synopsis, this book grabbed my attention. I was intrigued, wanting to know more. It seemed like such an original read, and I’m always eager to jump into unique novels.

Whilst it was an original read, I wasn’t as pulled into the story as I had hoped to be. I was interested, yes, but I was able to put the book down for extended periods without feeling as though I was losing something. I was able to come and go from the story, never really pulled in to the point where I was completely lost to the world.

It was a unique and interesting tale, I cannot deny that, but it didn’t have the hold over me I had hoped it would have. For me, I found it to be rather slow. Events were happening, yet I failed to experience the pounding heart related to an action filled read. I found things to be a bit predictable. I loved finding out the elements relating to the unique storyline, but the plot twists were somewhat commonplace. There were some unexpected details, but a lot of things have been done before. I found the romance to be a bit forced. It felt forced, as though it was shoved into the story for the sake of it. Although I came to enjoy it more as the story progressed, I never really brought into the relationship. It felt like a convenience rather than a relationship based upon emotion. I found the ending to be rather sudden. Everything came together well, but it all happened extremely quickly. I would have liked more details. I would have liked to spend more time exploring what transpired, yet it seemed to be over in the blink of the eye.

Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy it. I simply expected something a little bit more from this one. It kept me entertained, but it wasn’t quite everything I had hoped it would be. In other words, it had the potential to be more.

I’m certainly interested in reading the second book, though. With the way things ended in this one, there’s many possibilities of where the next book could take us.