A review by ljwrites85
Small Bones by Kerry Buchanan


Acting DI Asha Harvey, along with her partner Aaron Birch, are back to solve another mystery. This time when Sue Hearn finds the skeleton in her garden. As they dig further into the mystery, they find that Sue's mother Monica went missing thirty years ago and was never heard of again. Are the two cases linked or is there something more going on?

This series is part psychological thriller, part police procedural with a whole heap of twists and turns along the way.

I enjoyed we got to see a bit more of Asha and Aaron in this book than we did in the first, getting to know them a bit better. Asha is a kind and caring copper, trying to prove herself, which bumps up nicely next to the loyal and sweet Aaron.

Sue was an interesting character, too. Looking after her dad, who had dementia, full time would be enough for anyone to cope with, but finding a body on top of all that? It amazed me to see she didn't fall to pieces (I would have) and became integral to the case.

I would say that I found this story a little slower to start than the first in the series but of course that's just my opinion.

Also, it leaves a few unanswered questions, paving the way for the next in the series which I'm looking forward to.

Small Bones is a well written and action packed mystery that was both entertaining and intriguing in equal measure.