A review by kchiappone
A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury


More so than other sci-fi texts, it's very important that you don't ask questions while reading this. I enjoyed it the first time, but it's hard to read, having read much about time travel, particularly [b:Time Travel in Einstein's Universe: The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time|98591|Time Travel in Einstein's Universe The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time|J. Richard Gott III|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348672493s/98591.jpg|95044].

I can't help but ask questions! The metal path...wouldn't dinosaurs trip over it?! Wouldn't the sound of the gun send small creatures away from their initial path?! Couldn't the bullet on its trajectory toward the scaly beast ::gasp:: pierce a butterfly or kill another flying creature either large or so minute in size that nobody would even know?! After they kill the dinosaur, it says, "...it clutched trees, pulled them with it. It wrenched and tore the metal Path" (42). Wouldn't that in itself create such an array of future destruction, let alone the butterfly Eckels steps on?!

Having said that, strong writing in general. I teach it in the 8th grade and they students always enjoy it.