A review by beckymmoe
And Then Forever by Shirley Jump


A perfect summer beach read! A small New England beach town, a second chance at romance, an adorable little girl, and a rescue dog--what more could you need?

And Then Forever is the first in Ms. Jump's new Fortune's Island series, and it's definitely a series I'll be reading more from. I love the setting and the characters we've met so far--our hero and heroine, Kincaid and Darcy, as well as Kincaid's sister Abby, Darcy's family-by-choice Jillian, Whit, Gracie, Carter, and Nona (not to mention Emma and Mooch) are well-drawn and true to life, people you'd definitely want to hang out with on the beach or grab a burger with at the Love Shack.

Altogether this was a great summer vacation read--whether you were at the beach, or just wished you were.

My only complaint with book one is that I would have liked to have seen Kincaid, Darcy, and Emma spend more time together as a family--the book's over almost as soon as they're all really together for the first time with all parties knowing who they are to each other. Hopefully future books in the series will give us plenty of glimpses into their HEA to make up for it :)

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.