A review by drez80
At Any Price by Brenna Aubrey


I loved the idea of this story, but it fell flat for me. The characters seemed juvenile, and non-communication is one of my pet peeves. I kind of understand why the story was dragged out because that was Adam's plan, and if he had been honest about who he really was (which I figured out pretty early on), or had Mia actually stuck to her guns one of the times she told Adam just one more night, I'd probably have enjoyed the story more, but Mia seemed to have no backbone. And considering Mia wanted to spend time with Adam and get to know him, and that was part of Adam's plan, why would he keep his secrets for so long? I'd have preferred Adam to spill his secrets, tell Mia what he really wanted and had to story drag out after, rather than the other way around. I also think Mia's reaction was overly dramatic, and I'm really not sure how she didn't put 2 and 2 together before he told her. Beyond frustrating!