A review by cooterbooter
Heartless by W. Winters


Jesus fn’ Christ

I got a little behind on reading Heartless, but I just finished it and I’m not sure how to feel about you. I kinda wanna slap you, kinda wanna hug you. You’ve made my emotions turn into a bipolar bitch 😂 Talk about being a Cliffhanger Queen...Lord! This book was by far one of the best that I’ve read by you and that’s saying a lot since I love your little warped and depraved mind. The angst, the drama, the love, the hate, it’s all there. Your work puts a person through the ringer and keeps you reeling. I love your writing style and have yet to find anyone who can captivate like you do. I’m so anxious for book three.

I can’t deal and I want answers now woman!

-Something like an addict