A review by shazov
Cited to Death by Meg Perry


When I first started this book, I didn't think I would end up enjoying it as much as I did. To be honest I initially had the feeling I was missing a book, as there was little to no introduction to the characters or their history. We were filled in with (most) details during the books, but yes, in the first instance I did have a "what the?" feeling.

Once that was overcome, I became engrossed in the story and the MCs. The mystery part of it was good enough to leave you guessing for most of the book, which I appreciate, lol.

The romance definitely takes a backseat in this book, but it is there for sure. I actually really liked the balance and as it is a mystery, that the romance took the backseat for the most part. I'm actually looking forward to what the next book is going to bring now *grin*