A review by libraryofdreaming
The Royal We by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan


The Royal We is one of those books I put on hold at the library ages ago and have since forgotten where I saw it or who recommended it. But I really enjoyed it! Yes, it is a straight up Will and Kate ripoff but I am most definitely here for that. Give me all the royalty fanfiction there is and I will be a happy girl. Unfortunately, there was a lot of sex and partying in this book. Thankfully though nothing was too descriptive or overly graphic and I managed not to be too traumatized. There were, however, a couple of scenes that gave me some serious secondhand embarrassment. I actually had to put down to book and go, "OH NO" to myself before continuing on.

Despite all of that, this book was extremely engaging and fun to read. Bex (aka Kate) is an entertaining heroine even if she makes all the wrong decisions. I really loved how the authors made Nick (aka Will) feel very human. Their relationship was actually really well developed and sweet to watch. I especially enjoyed how they first bonded over watching terrible tv shows together. It wasn't an immediate first look kind of love but instead a relationship that actually felt like it could be a real thing rather than pure fantasy. Speaking of a dose of reality, I also thought it seemed very realistic the way Bex, Nick, and her family all dealt with the sky-rocket to fame and all the trouble that came with it. It wasn't just pure fluff and rainbows, there was a ton of drama and stress. It made me truly think about how stressful it must have been to the real royal golden couple, Will and Kate, and how their relationship must have been strained and different because of it. Fame sucks, guys. When I find my prince, I would like him to be very reclusive and have a nice big castle to hide away in please. ;)

The authors' writing is very spirited and easy to read. A nice vacation into fantasy dreamland. Now, where is my Oxford prince again? Time is getting on...