A review by ztaylor4
The Lesson by Cadwell Turnbull


This was a solid story with a strong execution, and excellent as a debut novel. I enjoyed the exploration of what the lesson would be, although I wouldn't have minded a few more characters reflecting upon their own lessons. I also appreciate Cadwell Turnbull's restraint in not giving us every detail of the alien society--an all-too-common flaw in sci-fi and fantasy.

While this was a good story, it wasn't perfect. The writing and style were effective, but a few of the characters felt a little bit flat to me (e.g. Patrice), and as a result I didn't think all of the storylines were carrying their own weight. This problem was relatively minor, and a few of the characters really did get a chance to shine (especially Mera).

All in all, The Lesson was a refreshing story, and I'd recommend it. I'll also look to see what Cadwell Turnbull does next.