A review by loverofromance
Heartless: Special Edition by Elsie Silver


This is a book that has been all over the community so I was highly intrigued as I have always been a solid fan of westerns and those sexy cowboys. I will be honest in that it didn't meet up my expectations, but the reasons I didn't like this one, doesn't seem to bother other readers. My issues with this one is really all on the heroine, she drove me batty. She is a super preachy feminist heroine and that is not my jam. I felt it was practically being shoved down my throat how bad men and society is because she didn't like feeling like wearing "underwear" so lets all blame it on the "patricachy". And her whole personality just turned me off completely, it felt a bit disjointed with the rest of the story. I am not sure why this book is so hyped to be honest, there are way better westerns out there. I enjoyed it as a whole, the family dynamic is on point, the hero is golden, the son being involved was perfection and it did have a solid atmospheric vibe at times. The writing was pretty engaging for the most part and I was intrigued to see what was being teased for future couples. I will definitely be reading this author much more and am curious about her backlist.