A review by just_fighting_censorship
Avenging Spider-Man: The Good, the Green and the Ugly by Kelly Sue DeConnick


Spiderman teams up with She Hulk! What!

Spiderman teams up with Ms. Mavel (now Captain Marvel)...

Spiderman teams up with Deadpool...

Spiderman has a run in with....Hypno-Hustler?!

Ugh, this comic was pretty disappointing. She Hulk was a total bitch and not at all her quippy self. Captain Marvel was reduced to a nothing character in one of the most boring stories I have ever read. The one and only saving grace was Deadpool but it was quickly ruined by the appearance of Hypno-Hustler. These comics are trying really hard to be funny but it feels forced, you can have humor without resorting to absurd story lines.