A review by marzipan9
The Scot Who Loved Me by Gina Conkle


Set in Edinburgh not long after the Rising, Ann Fletcher is determined to find the lost Jackobite gold and deliver it to Clam MacRanold. She needs help, so she buys the freedom of one Will MacDonald. She and Will had fallen in love years before when he was hired to escort her to her fiancé, the Rising separated them, but Ann never stopped loving him. Can she get both the gold and the man? Or will she have to choose?

This book was…fine. It was more historical fiction than romance, though, and I was expecting a romance. The sexy parts were mild at best and when Will starts talking about the clitoris…yeah. No thank you. It also took them far too long (for my liking) to get down to business. As a historical fiction, this would be a fine book, but I was sold a romance and so I wanted romance, dammit. I guess it’s true, it’s really hard to write a good second chance romance.