A review by dilchh
Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights by Salman Rushdie


I think this is a story of many things, at first I thought this was going to be a story poking questions on the endless fight between reasons and faith. And this is where things got a bit tricky for me, whilst I’m not necessarily a religious person, I also don’t entirely rebuke the existence of God or of a higher being, and I really am not looking to be reading a book where it argues about reason or faith, which trumps the other. Thankfully the story progresses into a more interesting layer. It still talks about religion, but it’s interesting because it is very relevance to today’s situation, and what’s eerie is Ghazali’s thoughts on fear directs people towards God, and look around, mate. Look. Around. The world is in shambles because people hides behind religion and fear, fear of God’s wrath.

The story is amazing, because this is about faith, reason, God, religion, fear, power, and love. It’s also amazing because it is very relevance, it will ignite fear in abled mind to think for yourself that if we are not careful, our world will succumb to the destruction that are caused by Zumurrudh and his cronies. It’s easier for the chaos that ensued in the book because we all know we have a group of Jinni to blame, but what of our world? For all I know, our destructions are the fruits of our own mistakes.