A review by pujadev
These Impossible Things by Salma El-Wardany


This book is so disappointing because it had so.much.potential. The pacing is decent, and the writing is good. I liked that this book focused on the modern Muslim version or atleast one version of them. It had a lot of lovely cultural references and a vivid description of Cairo. My biggest issue with the book is the portrayal of the men. How is it that all the white men are good/helpful/respectful and oh so perfect. In contrast, the Muslim men are basically caricatures of the 'bad Muslim man' - controlling, hypocritical, dominating and raging misogynists.
It is infuriating to me that the author had this wonderful opportunity for a nuanced narration of characters. Yet, she chooses to paint both the men and the women with the same stereotypical brush. What's worse is that this book is so popular and highly rated, further propagating the very stereotypes we spend our lives attempting to subvert.