A review by that_bookaholic_gal
My Epic Spring Break (Up) by Kristin Rockaway


The New York City streets were crowded, but if you were used to the hustle and bustle then you could thrive in this type of environment. She’d grown up here, experienced so much in her few years of life, and this city was the launching point for where she wanted to take her life. If only she could figure out how to get through high school first.

My Epic Spring Break (Up) follows Ashley, an aspiring coder and a high school student passionate about STEM and girls/women getting involved in the craft. But she’s still only in high school and high school drama can get in the way of her goals.

I wanted to enjoy this book, but it ultimately fell very flat. There wasn’t anything remarkably memorable about the story and the love triangle drama really took away from some themes in the book that could be really powerful and inspiring for young girls looking to get into STEM. This just wasn’t a good fit for me.

If you love YA, love triangles, and an abundance of high school drama… then you may enjoy this one.