A review by thebooktrail88
The Wisdom of Sally Red Shoes by Ruth Hogan


This novel is really sad! I understand the author has had some experience of serious illness and cancer but that’s what made it really hard to read for me. It does have much of the trademark humour and observation that The Keeper of Lost Things had, but is so much darker overall.

The two story structure was nice - with Masha as the main focus and then the story of Alice and her son Mattie.All characters have their obsessions and problems and they feel hurt in different ways. Masha for example lost her son when he was very small and so now she spends time in the graveyard to be close to him. She looks upon the inhabitants of this cemetery as a kind of family and seems to know them all. She even has dreams of becoming a sort of tour guide and bringing them back to life by telling their stories.

That got me right there. It took me ages to read the rest as I couldn’t see through the tears. Anyone who has experienced death of a close family member will get this book and it may even help some.