A review by idkatie
Finding Gene Kelly by Torie Jean



This might be included in my fave books of the year holy cow it was so good!!!! Our Quick Katie Summary: Evie lives in France and is going through life and loves baking, but BAM the boy she married when she was five and was super close with but then became her MORTAL ENEMY SHOWS UP, and she has to find it in her to fake a relationship with him despite hating him but also not really hating him to appease her mother all while having to navigate her journey with endo.

WOW. Okay, this book was incredible. Seriously. Like, I cannot think about more that I love about this book that I legit just made a list as I was reading it because my heart could not take it. Here is that list:
✨ THE WRITING. WHAT THE HELL. The writing of this book was BEAUTIFUL. The descriptions and just the way that you could FEEL every characters' emotions was AMAZING.
✨ The start. The beginning of this book INSTANTLY hooked me into wanting to read more
✨ Having the Imperial March as the ringtone from when Evie's mother was calling: IN.CRED.I.BLE
✨ You can tell throughout the book how painfully into her he is and it is just soul crushing (the scene when she shows up at his door and he legitimately slammed the door in her face for *reasons* literally made me scream)
✨ THE. FIRST. KISS. Literal butterflies in my chest
✨ The entire book

But seriously, this book was amazing. If I had to even think of one thing that I didn't like about this book was that the confession happened so early on, but like, I'm not even mad about that. It felt so raw and real when it happened that it didn't feel rushed at all which is why I normally don't like it in a book, but I ended up actually preferring it.

Also, the third act conflict felt so REAL. I feel like so many times, books make it come out of nowhere or make it seem so ridiculous that I can't even believe that it would be an actual conflict. This one felt real. This one felt raw. This one felt legitimate, and I loved the reasoning behind why it happened if that makes sense? (I'm trying not to give spoilers, and like while I don't love that the character felt that they had to do what they did, I get why).

Watching Evie also move along with her endometriosis was so interesting and fascinating and so heart-wrenching to read. I have never met with or interacted with anyone who has endo, and I can't even imagine what it's like, but I feel like the author really did an excellent job of showing what it's like and how much of a person's life it can affect.

A SUPER HUGE thank you to NetGalley and Xpress Book Tours for providing me with an electronic ARC in exchange for an honest review!!! I will absolutely be recommending this book to everyone I know, and I just went and pre-ordered myself a physical copy to have when it eventually comes out!