A review by craigbased
On Anarchism by Noam Chomsky


Incredibly dull, badly formatted. You barely get any insight into what he thinks about anarchism. First chapter is great and stays on point (even if it is dense) and then the 2nd chapter it all goes to hell. He attempts an epic clap back on some lib historian that didn't cover the Spanish Civil war to his liking and he spends the majority of the book mad as hell about this. Not easy to parse without a solid understanding of how events took place which I do not. Reads with the same tedium as going through Wikipedia articles

I have attempted to read Chomsky before and usually find it tedious or at the very least the broad point could be made in 10 pages of text including examples what what's being described.

The important thing here is the cover is awesome and people that come over will see it and think you're a smart guy so it serves it's purpose in some way I suppose