A review by ctorretta
Code Zero by Jonathan Maberry


As a fan of the first book, Patient Zero, I couldn't wait to get to this one. More zombies! As a fan of the Joe Ledger series, it's getting harder and harder for me to read these fast. They're fun but Joe is always in peril, I mean of course would we expect anything less. In this case it seems the stakes are higher than usual. I was and really I always am fearful for Joe's life. There are also many friends that he's been able to make (and keep so far) along the way and I don't want them to die either!

Although this is about zombies, it's about so much more. The reader knows early on who the villain is going to be, although we can see that the DMS does not. I couldn't wait for them to put together what was happening and why. It took them a while and in that time, they did lose people. It's terrifying but also keeps me on the edge of my seat and wanting the next Joe Ledger story!

Technically this could be a direct followup for the first Joe Ledger, but I recommend reading through his expansive story. There's just so much in this that will make more sense if you read the entire set. Relationships built and destroyed, friendships, Ghost (who better not die!), and more.

Even while I cringe, I love it. I love every word.