A review by alidottie
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin


After almost 2 full weeks, yesterday I closed the cover of this book for the final time! It kills me to read one single book for such a long time, but this nonfiction history of Abraham Lincoln's bid for the presidency and consequent Civil War presidency was well worth the effort! I found myself growing so fond of Pres. Lincoln that I was hoping that some how history could've changed and we could have had this great man guide the country through Reconstruction and live to be old and write his own memoirs!
It was interesting because I have read other books about Lincoln (mainly With Malice Toward None) and I didn't grown to love him and respect him the way I did reading Goodwin's story told along side the stories of the men who started as his rivals and mostly grew to be his respecters and firm colleagues.