A review by branch_c
The Dreaming Stars: Book II of the Axiom by Tim Pratt


This was an enjoyable follow-up to the first in the series, somewhat less strikingly innovative since the mystery of the Liars and the Axiom was largely resolved in The Wrong Stars. But the characters and their dialogue are still cleverly written, and the story was strong enough to hold the reader’s attention for the continuing adventures of Callie and her crew. 

As with the first one, the relationship drama struck me as mundanely soap-opera-ish, but not necessarily in a bad way. The action is rather straightforward, not to say simplistic, and the ever-present banter gives that Firefly-like impression of a crew that takes their one-liners more seriously than the next spaceborne threat. 

The climactic encounter goes off in a surprisingly interesting direction and wraps up with a satisfying conclusion, while leaving things wide open for the next in the series, which I’ll be keeping an eye out for.