A review by caseroo7
Back Piece by L.A. Witt


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Back Piece was my first book by L.A. Witt, but I was immediately drawn into the story. I enjoyed it a lot and I liked the characters. This is the first book in Witt's Skin Deep, Inc. series and I am definitely looking forward to reading more. While I did like it, there were a few things that kept this one from being a five star read for me though.

Colin is a tattoo artist with a past he prefers to keep a secret. He keeps things casual and doesn't do commitment so that no one gets close enough to learn the truth about him. But when he meets Daniel at the gym, the shy sailor draws him in like no one has in a long time. Daniel is a virgin and after escaping his conservative family, he is looking to finally start being himself. When he spots Colin with all his tattoos, he knows he wants Colin to be the one to help him out. It starts as Colin helping Daniel to learn about sex and get the ink he has always wanted, but soon it turns to more and both begin to wonder if they could possibly have a future together.

I liked both Daniel and Colin. I thought that they worked really well together and that they were good for one another. Both had vulnerabilities and the other really helped them. It was good to see that they were so real and that they each had things that they knew they needed to work on. I love seeing characters progress from the start of a book to the end, and I really felt like both Daniel and Colin did that here. They were sexy together and had great chemistry, and their connection felt real and true.

I will say though that things were a bit repetitive in this book. It often felt like their insecurities were rehashed over and over, so while I liked to see that they were human, I grew tired of the same thing being done several times. I wanted them to get it and move on after a few times. I also felt like the end of this book was very abrupt and that not everything was as resolved as I would have liked. It seems like they had just basically solved the big conflict when all of a sudden the story just ran out of pages. I would have loved to have seen a bit down the line for them, especially in how things played out with Daniel's family. I do think that this book is worth the read though and I will continue the series. I just wish that it hadn't been so repetitive and would have ended on a stronger note for me.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**