A review by thereadingwren
My Brother's Name is Jessica by John Boyne



If you are not a cisgendered human then don’t read this. If you have ever questioned your gender then don’t read this. It is extremely triggering.

I identify as Agender (genderless) and came out to my family almost 6 months ago - maybe I shouldn’t have read this yet, maybe I should have waited until the coming out experience wasn’t so fresh in my mind. I’ve had it easier than Jessica, my family loves and supports me, but I can definitely relate to her struggle.

Every time she was misgendered or the wrong name was used it hurt my soul. The whole book basically spends every single page blaming Jessica for everything that goes wrong in the family’s lives. Even Sam (the highly unlikable main character) who apparently ‘adores’ his older sibling spends the book thinking Jessica is wrong, sick, and needs to ‘go back to normal’.

It’s utterly awful and disheartening.

I can see what this book is trying to do, to show how transgenderism affects families, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PERSON THAT IS ACTUALLY TRANS!!!!!!!

I want to cry for Jessica, and this book makes me want to cry for myself because it makes me feel unaccepted and unloved.