A review by alesia_charles
Home from the Sea by Mercedes Lackey


I finally ordered us a copy of this the other day and read it last week. I liked it mainly on the strength of enjoying the characters and setting; the story itself was singularly lacking in tension. Lackey would've been better off editing out the two London girls, whose presence added almost nothing to the plot, and publishing just Mari's story as a novelette. It had a pretty good plot for a novelette, with a nice dramatic ending. As a novel, though, I kept reading on and waiting for something to happen.

Even the threatening constable fell short in the drama department. Now, if he'd decided he was possessively in love with Mari, that would've been really threatening. In fact none of the villains were impressive in their dangerousness, although towards the end whatshisname the clan leader did pull something extremely cruel. But that was part of that dramatic ending I mentioned.

Basically, far from the strongest of the series or Lackey's work generally. If I didn't like the characters and setting so much, it'd be two stars.