A review by yapha
Waiting for Augusta by Jessica Lawson


Ben Putter feels that he is a disappointment to his golf-obsessed father. Ben loves to paint and has a real talent that he hid from his father. After his father's death, Ben finds lump in his throat that won't go away (even though no one else believes it is there). But Ben knows it is a golf ball. And one night, he finally learns what he must do to get rid of it -- take his father's urn from Hilltop, Alabama to Augusta, Georgia and sprinkle his ashes on the 18th hole on the last day of the Masters' Tournament. As Ben is making his plans, a runaway girl named Noni overhears him and invites herself along. Noni is quick and crafty and makes the perfect partner to cautious Ben. Together they travel by bus, train, and stolen pick-up truck the 200 miles to Augusta. Along they way Ben learns new truths about himself, his father, and their relationship. Highly recommended to grades 4 & up.

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