A review by celsius273
Legion by Julie Kagawa


I mean if you’ve read all the way to book four, you either love this series and nothing I’m going to say is going to sway you or you have a serious case of unfinished series avoidance (that’s me).

Anyways I went back and read my review of Soldier (book 3) and well I guess there’s improvement. LOVE TRIANGLE GONE! But that’s kinda the only exciting part of this book. With so many narrators (four!) this book moves at an incredibly slow pace, something my seething over the love triangle seems to have masked. It’s not even a short book, it’s just that a three minute encounter expands into half an hour of narration because we have to hear from Cobalt, Ember, and Garrett - and even still there really are no repeat moments (the narration never backtracks).

However, I enjoyed quite a few little parts of this book. First has to be the weird sci-fi adventure in the middle of the book
and the ensuing introspection that leads Ember to make some VERY important life choices. While the action was perhaps a bit lackluster in this book compared to its predecessors, we finally have everyone working together in a civilized manner and testosterone battles and hissy fits kept to a minimum and I think the smoothness that affords the book is more than worth it.

Stuff is really coming together: I think we’ve finally uncovered what Talon is trying to do and a few of the possible endings have been laid out too. What I appreciate most about this series is how identity has been such a major issue and I really hope the finale gives us some resolution or at least peace.