A review by crtsjffrsn
Summerwode by J. Tullos Hennig


The story of Robyn, Marion, and Gamelyn has not been easy. They've suffered ups and downs, and beyond their personal tragedies they have almost been torn apart several times. But now they've found a bit of peace...or so they think. When the three are summoned to the siege of Nottingham by the Queen, none are exactly pleased or excited. But she has promised Gamelyn that he may reclaim his family's noble title while Robyn and Marion will receive royal pardons. And while none of them exactly trust the royals, the Queen has proven to be unlike the others. But King Richard has returned, and it turns out he may have some suspect motives of his own...

I so love this series. It is one of my favorites that I've read--ever. And I am definitely looking forward to book five and its epic conclusion. I've you've not experienced this series, you are missing out. Run, don't walk.