A review by novi
The Universe Is Expanding and So Am I by Carolyn Mackler


In this sequel, the author seems like she's trying to "fix" some of the old notions from the previous book (which was published in 2003), like the skinny shaming. I don't think we should shame any kind of body type, but I think what should be the more important discussion is the discrimination against fat people is real and systemic. But maybe this is not a book for that, and it's fine I guess. There are also some paragraph about Virginia finally acknowledging that her family is indeed rich, but it's meaningless because she just said it matter of factly and not discussing about the impact of their privilege, not even contemplating what would happen to them or herself in this situation if they had very little money. But she's a spoiled girl and still has a lot to learn, so, okay.

I love the part about her and Sebastian though. It's cute. They're cute. That's it.

Although the ending is reaching and very weird; and the beginning is the author trying to give updates to readers who haven't read or forgot the first book which is tedious at least for me; I quite enjoyed this quick read.