A review by rballenger
Where the Deer and the Antelope Play: the Pastoral Observations of One Ignorant American Who Loves to Walk Outside by Nick Offerman


Type of read: Commuter Read.

What made me pick it up: I first encountered Offerman as the quiet, burly, and surly Ron Swanson of Parks and Rec. My love for his on-screen character turned into a true appreciation for him as a performer and person making 'Where the Deer...' a no-brainer to read.

Overall rating: I want to start off by saying that I think Offerman's voice is so calm and smooth and I could listen to him talk for hours. That being said, I felt like there was something missing in 'Where the Deer...' I enjoyed hearing about Offerman's point of view and experiences but it all seemed just very mundane, haphazard, and ultimately, like he just wanted people to hear what he had to say so he decided to write a book. I didn't expect 'Where the Deer...' to be as political or name-dropping as it was and I didn't really feel like there was a consistent flow through the pages. Sure, we followed Offerman's RV trip through the US with his wife but nothing felt truly connected, it was merely his mindful meanderings of the experiences and thoughts that occurred throughout that trip. Which wouldn't be bad...but they were utterly boring. If I had been sitting around a campfire hearing these musings, that would be one thing, but to actually take the time to read about them felt dumb. Not sure I could recommend this one, but also not sure that it won't prevent me from picking up another book from him in the future. I think there was just a lack of focus and a want to be heard that overwhelmed the overall book.

Reader's Note: I was in a bit of a reading rut when I started 'Where the Deer...' I had a lot of loans out at my local library and unfortunately, my loan lapsed before I was able to finish the book. My extended reading time is a reflection of that and not necessarily the content or readability of the book.