A review by periodicreader
Unspeakable Things: Sex, Lies and Revolution by Laurie Penny


Unspeakable Things is about sex, sexuality, gender, living online and living out loud. The author is honest about who she is, and invites the reader into her world that is filled to the brim with misogyny and challenges you to think about yourself and the situations that you have been forced into.

Laurie Penny is an articulate activist who wants you to be as angry as she is...and step up to fight the good fight alongside her. She writes like a storyteller. Sometimes her descriptions seem a bit over the top, but her prose is often like poetry.

While my thoughts and ideas do not always coincide with hers, the fact that she is willing to discuss, or even defend, her life, lifestyle and any topics presented to her, makes me feel like she's the voice inside my head.