A review by heatheray
Cut Here by Azzurra Nox


I grabbed Cut Here after seeing the cover on Amazon. I love that cover so much. I didn’t even read the blurb. I know we aren’t supposed to judge a book by it’s cover but truly, can you blame me?

Cut Here is extremely unique. I don’t think I have ever read another book quite like this one. It’s YA, but as an adult, I really liked this one. It’s set in high school and has your normal teenage drama but then there is a lot of stuff going on that doesn’t happen to anyone in high school.

I don’t know who I was more frustrated with at certain points, Lena, Michael, or John. They all made choices that would have had me climbing the walls if I was friends with any of them in high school.

Our main characters are far from perfect, but still likable as they try to figure out what is causing this crazy amount of suicides to happen.

There are some truly amazing battle scenes, awesome moments where the underdogs get a chance to shine, and force that is behind all of this that keeps you questioning what is going on.

I really liked Cut here and I will definitely be following Azzurra Nox from now on.

4 teenage angsty, I haven’t quite seen this before stars from me.