A review by mydarlingbookz
Obscene by Natalie Bennett


I lost count on which book this is for smutathon lol but its one word title!!

I haven't read Julian's story ill get to that soon lol but i know this is his son. And lord Mason is a twisted fked up person.. i don't think i read anyone that twisted? Okay maybe i have 🤣🤣 i placed all triggers below!!

Now this story has lots of twist and turns and secrets being hidden.. i enjoyed the chemistry between Mason and Katie it was raw, filthy and messy, i was suprised? That katie wasnt darker.. with all the thoughts running in her head i really wanted her to snap and be more killerish.. she only tech had one kill under her belt.. and i was disappointed that she didn't crack more or owned that she killed someone.. :/

My only meh was that Mason was married to her sister? Or fake married? Idk but we never saw the sister until the end 🤣🤣🤣 thats all I'm saying

No ow/om, No cheating, Agnst, Drama, secondary charas, hawt sex, Virgin gal and idk his sexual past

Recommend- yes if you like dark stuff

Sorta slow-insta-love
anal play/sex
Knife play
Older/younger couple (11 years apart)
Not safe
No condom
Push/pull from h